Stanley People Photos 13

 Picture 1 - Stanley Boxers          (thanks to Geordie Stewart for

 Picture 2 - Geordie Stewart                 these 2 photos)

Picture 3 - The Powderhall Pair

Picture 4 - 1984 (thanks to Abby Duff for this photo)

Bob Campbell with cup and Geordie Stewart to his left

Geordie lays his opponent Able out to win the Midlands ABA Championship

Relaxing in their garden in King Street circa 1950's -  L to R:  Jim Burns,  Allan Donaldson, Prince & Tom Robertson.  Allan & Tom are the "Powderhall Pair" referred to in the Stanley Poem - both well known in Stanley and beyond at the time for their sprinting prowess.

Official opening of the football field at the school in 1984.  L to R:  Tam Morran, May Grant, Joe Smith, Councillor & his wife, Tam Drummond, Mr A J Munro (Headmaster), Sid Bendall, Abby Duff, Brian Mitchell, ??, Sandy Wells.